Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cabbage Confessions: No.1- Zero to Three

When I volunteered to be a part of the committee to put together this market, or bazaar, I didn't expect to be nominated as the official blogger. Confession No.1 : my success with blogging is zero to three and I was a little apprehensive at first to take this task on. However, the fear that I will win the world record for most failed blog attempts and that it is now a responsibility rather than just a hobby has been motivating. So far, I've proved to be more dedicated to making frequent posts, and it looks like I have turned over a  new leaf! 

Since I am feeling a little more optimistic about my job, I thought it was about time to add a little personality and make a formal introduction. Then, as I started typing various bits of information about myself, it dawned on me - making my own introduction was one of  the reasons I hated blogging in the first place! I always feel like I'm saying, "Hello, World! Let me tell you all about myself."

It's not that I don't understand that is precisely why people blog in the first place - to tell about themselves, interests, causes, etc. and it's perfectly okay to toot your own horn a little bit. But there is a fine art to tooting your blog horn and not blowing it! To be successful at the dreaded introduction post, I realized I needed to take a new approach. I decided that instead of  blah, blah, blah-ing about who I am, etc. I thought the best way to get to know me is by just plain ol' being myself and letting you get to know me along the way via my posts. I am calling them Cabbage Confessionals - which is perfect, because believe me - I have a lot I can confess! LOL!

Lindsey Mc.

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