Thursday, July 28, 2011

Keep Calm And Cabbage On!

It figures that after I confess to my blighted blogging past that I would wait enough time in between posts to make the current four followers of this blog (whom I am sure have been on the edge of their seats!) start to believe that history just might repeat itself. What can I say? It's summer time and if you have kids that are out of school, pet chickens, or small dogs that have been trapped inside all winter you are as busy as I am trying to soak it all in before the snow comes. Despite that fact that Hobby Lobby and the rest of the retail world are currently setting up their Christmas displays, the only cold thing we want to think about right now at our house is otter pops, (Which BTW are free every weekend at the Market). Still with so much going on, the Boss (that's Me) sometimes gets a little overheated. To cool down I try to remind myself: Keep Calm And Carry On. 

"Keep Calm And Carry On" originated as one in a series of three British WWII posters that were plastered on the sides of English buildings. This simple saying was meant to motivate citizens and soldiers to never give up and also to remind them what they were fighting for. "Keep Calm And Carry On"  is also befitting of our local heritage. The original settlers were pioneers and immigrants who continued on despite their suffering and countless hardships. Their lasting legacy is our dear little city of Providence. Most of the settlers were of German descent and brought with them their own customs and foods - one of which was cabbage. When rotted cabbage becomes known as sauerkraut, which was bottled and stored for the winter and is apparently very tasty. (Cabbage Confession No2: I've never tried sauerkraut!) With that in mind, could there be any doubt that in Providence we don't "Carry On" we "Cabbage On". (If you are still don't get it, just come to the annual Sauerkraut Dinner, and you will see what I mean! Talk about sauerkraut enthusiasts!)

When you visit the Providence Farmer's Market and Bazaar on Saturday afternoons and you have questions, concerns, ideas just look for a volunteer wearing a green shirt that says, "Keep Calm And Cabbage On". We would be more than happy to help you out, point you in the right direction, give you a free otter pop or try to convince you to volunteer.

See you there!

Lindsey McB

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindsey, you've just added a new reader to your blog. Keep up the good work. So Fun!
